Data Mining Research Updated
I’m happy to inform you that Data Mining Research ( is updated! The blog is now on Wordpress and self-hosted…
Back from TDWI
Last week I attended TDWI in Las Vegas. Normally, by talking to people at conferences such as TDWI, I encounter…
Alternative Dashboards?
After a previous post on early cardboard dashboards, I was offered some alternatives by my Twitter-mates (@timoelliott). Enjoy! Barry (@meneerharmsen):…
Highlights from Berkshire Hathaway’s 2008 Letter to Shareholders
Berkshire Hathaway released Warren Buffett's annual letter to shareholders on Friday (Feb 27), you can find it here:It's a fascinating…
Here’s how to build on Business Analytics
As I blogged earlier, at the SAS Global Forum this week some SAS speakers drew a distinction between Business Intelligence…
Good Times Ahead For College Marketing
Obama Address = Promising Times For College Marketers Anderson Analytics GenX2X study had identified as one of the top-ten…
From Obama to the Earth, Please Vote Again
Recognizing a desire for change, the world voted for Barack Obama nearly four months ago and elected him into the…
Who Has the Data?
Most organizations like to assert that they are “fact-driven”. But the reality of mundane, everyday decision making doesn’t always match…
A conversation with Jay Kreps about Project Voldemort
I had the pleasure of talking with Jay Kreps yesterday about Project Voldemort, here some notes from this conversation.Jay is…
Business Rules to Programmers – Methink thou doest protest too much III
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Business Rules to Programmers - Methink thou doest protest too…