EmSense, a “neuromarketing” company founded in 2004 by seven…
EmSense, a “neuromarketing” company founded in 2004 by seven Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduates, has developed a lightweight EEG headset…
It’s pretty much what you’re thinking about right…
It’s pretty much what you’re thinking about right now: A computer program that, like the computers from a science-fiction movie,…
In this new era, as Saffo puts it, “…the central economic actor…
In this new era, as Saffo puts it, “…the central economic actor is someone who both produces and consumes in…
The Flaw of the Hub-and-Spoke Architecture
I recently talked to a client who was fixated on a hub-and-spoke solution to support his company’s analytical applications. This…
My Life as a Bee with SAS – Observe, Learn and Share
Before you read my next sentence, please click here and watch for 10 seconds. ............. What you just watched gives…
Don’t call me “non-technical”
When I’ve referred to “non-technical” users, I’ve always meant just about anyone working far away IT. Well, based on research…
Putting your ultimate asset to work with decision management
In a recent piece Data Strategy Journal - DATA: YOUR ULTIMATE ASSET Thomas Redman had a nice intro on the…
Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social…
Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility - IBM Institute for Business Value studies
Cyberlaw scholar Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard: Ubiquitous human…
Cyberlaw scholar Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard: Ubiquitous human computingwill transcend geographyZittrain talks about how ubiquitous human computing, which he describes as…
Back to the basics
There has been so much written about how to optimize dashboard design, develop effective Key Performance Indicators, and how to…