#2: Here’s a thought…
An occasional series in which a review of recent posts on SmartData Collective reveals the following nuggets:Who’s in charge here?A…
Translating Awareness to Consideration Set in B2B
Want to improve lead quality? Focus on knowing when a customer includes you in their consideration set.It is one thing…
Cool Data Visualization – What is That?
Want to help your organzization optimize operations, extract market opportunity, see what customers think? Provide a visual representation in a…
US Economic Census Treemap
Now that I’ve got treemaps on the brain, I keep noticing how many things could be better understood using this…
Scandalous Financial Benchmarking?
I just stumbled across an old post of mine, and couldn’t help reposting some of it in the light of…
Headup uses a proprietary semantic engine that cross references…
Headup uses a proprietary semantic engine that cross references multiple online sources in order to understand what the objects it…
Dashboards and Scorecards, similarities and differences
My friend Toby Hatch of Oracle (formerly of Hyperion and Sapling) has been doing scorecards for a LONG time. She…
IBM will leverage its global technology capabilities to manage…
IBM will leverage its global technology capabilities to manage Kaiser Permanente’s data center operations, including computer systems, storage systems and…
Anderson Analytics to Receive Advertising Research Foundation Award
Anderson Analytics to Receive Advertising Research Foundation Award Anderson Analytics has been nominated for an ARF Great Mind Award in…
What Were They Thinking?
We’ve all been there, you get an email from a company but are not exactly sure why. I’m not talking…