Images from “Contact lenses with circuits, lights a…
Images from “Contact lenses with circuits, lights a possible platform for superhuman vision ” (via University of Washington News and…
Founded in 2005, Numenta is developing a new type of computer…
Founded in 2005, Numenta is developing a new type of computer memory system modeled after the human neocortex. The applications…
The Energy Collective New “blogpod” on the…
The Energy Collective New “blogpod” on the challenges of meeting the world’s need for sustainable, clean and renewable energy. Power.…
Isn’t In-database processing old news yet?
A bit of a Clementine plug, but hear me through...I'm puzzled by a few recent articles I've read describing in-database…
Hardcoding + procedural code = bad news
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Hardcoding + procedural code = bad news.In a blog post…
More on the Proposed Stimulus Package from IBM’s CEO
More on the Proposed Stimulus Package from IBM's CEO
Analyzing You
Thank you for taking the bold step out of your browser and RSS closets 10 days ago to add a…
Decision Sciences in Healthcare – Academic Research Request
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Decision Sciences in Healthcare - Academic Research Request.A client of…
Market Penetration of Social Media – Who Uses Twitter?
Is there a Twitter Resurgence? Not Sure, But I’m Willing to Give it Another Try! According to recent studies Anderson…