Updated-R for SAS and SPSS Users
www.decisionstats.com Tags: RUpdated –I finally got my hardback copy of the R for SAS and SPSS users . Digital copies…
A startup hopes to tap into the expertise of developing nations…
A startup hopes to tap into the expertise of developing nations via cell phones. (via Technology Review: Crowd-Sourcing the World)…
A paradigm shift is happening in business, industry, and…
A paradigm shift is happening in business, industry, and investing: manufacturers, corporations and investors are finding out that it pays…
Intro to the Semantic Web The idea of a “Semantic…
Intro to the Semantic Web The idea of a “Semantic Web” has always been a little hard to grasp, but…
Mr Obama, smarten these systems!
Like millions of my fellow Americans I listened to our new President today. As I did I was struck by…
A Visual Delight – Inauguration Day Helicopter Lesson
New York City From a Different Perspective Seconds after watching Obama get sworn in on the TV in the pilots…
re: “Thoughts on Understanding Neural Networks”
Great post by Gordon Linoff the the Data Miners.com Blog about visualising Neural Networkshttp://www.data-miners.com/blog/2009/01/thoughts-on-understanding-neural.htmlI usually get better predictive success using…
Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Fizzles (Too Much Hype): 9 for ’09
Break out the hype translation dictionary! Google the new term you just heard from your fellow colleague or consultant and…
It’s called Collision Warning with Brake Support, and it…
It’s called Collision Warning with Brake Support, and it uses the radar system that makes Adaptive Cruise Control possible to…
Blog Boy wins…
Dear List – I just became blogger on the week on http://www.socialmediatoday.com/SMC/That’s because of the R article, the interview with…