How to compare two audio files quality wise?
In order to compare two audio signals we introduce theanalytical module, which compares separately combined pairs of fragments ofactive and…
A conversation with Jay Kreps about Project Voldemort
I had the pleasure of talking with Jay Kreps yesterday about Project Voldemort, here some notes from this conversation.Jay is…
In defense of Venture Capitalism
Critics of private equity claim that compensation is greatly exaggerated for them, that they are risk averse, and invest only…
Business Rules to Programmers – Methink thou doest protest too much III
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Business Rules to Programmers - Methink thou doest protest too…
Business Rules to Programmers – Methink thou doest protest too much II
Syndicated from ebizQContinuing my response to - Programming Sucks! Or At Least, It Ought To it’s time to take some…
Business Rules to Programmers – Methink thou doest protest too much I
Well last week was exciting on the ebizQ blog - thousands of new visitors after a link from a popular…
Comparing Cloud Web Services
In my continued quest to build an operational model that properly accounts for the costs of different cloud web services,…
Gen Y Won’t Jump the Facebook Ship Just Yet
In this weeks AdAge article “Marketers Adapt as Social Networks Attract Older Users” Michael Learmonth mentioned one of Anderson Analytics‘…
Google Chrome wont work with Google Analytics
As the screenshot shows treats Google Analytics Terms of Service as unreliable content…..a Freudian coding error…?