Mash Your Future with Augmented Reality
It doesn’t matter that I can’t read German blogger Matthias Schwenk’s words on getting closer to augmented reality or decipher…
Interview – Anne Milley, SAS, Part 1
Anne Milley, director for technology product marketing at SAS and a member of SAS Institute’s core strategy team, was in…
First Look – Truviso
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at First Look - Truviso.I got a second chance to chat…
How many models is enough?
I recently missed a presentation by a data mining software vendor (due to my recent paternity break), but I've been…
Linkedin Tools : Getting job and contract
Here is a great tool by Linkedin to do the following – get a J O B Where is it…
Dataset too big for R ?
In case you have a dataset too big for fitting in memory for R, there is a package called biglm…
An R Package only for SAS Users
Dear All, I am doing some research into creating a R Package for SAS language Users. The name of the…
Despite many experts’ doubt that whole-genome sequencing…
Despite many experts’ doubt that whole-genome sequencing could be done for $1,000, let alone a 10th that much, BioNanomatrix believes…
New method vs. PESQ for perceptural voice quality testing.
What are advantages of a well known standardized method in comparison with a noname approach? Publicity is the main advantage!…