Here’s how decisions and rules relate (and how to manage them)
One of the questions I get often is around how decisions and business rules relate. People want to know so…
Great BI, or Getting By? [Webinar] – Today at 2pm ET
Sorry about the late notice but I am speaking in a very interesting webinar today. Besides listening to me, you…
Improve R with Google’s Summer of Code
The Google Summer of Code is a global program, funded by Google, that provides funding for students to write code…
Reminder: DSC 2009 abstract submissions due March 15
Peter Dalgaard reminds us that abstracts for DSC 2009 are due by March 15.
Package Update Roundup: Feb 2009
In this new monthly feature, we present a roundup of R packages that have been updated on CRAN in the…
R 2.9.0 scheduled for April 17
It was announced today that the next update to R, version 2.9.0, is scheduled for release on April 17, 2009.…
Rich voters, poor voters, and the 2008 election
Andrew Gelman, guest-blogging at, uses survey data from before the 2008 US presidential election to ask the question: which…
Using R in Astronomy
Alastair Sanderson of the University of Birmingham has a fantastic set of pages for astronomers using R. For astronomers thinking…
When is a zero not a zero?
Answer: when it's in floating point.No, this isn't my entry for the "least funny joke ever" competition. It's the answer…
Copulas and Wall Street
Wired Magazine has an article this week on the credit crisis: Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street.…