Monitoring your brand: Sentiment analysis
Earlier this year at SAP's Business Suite 7 launch I saw a demo of some text analytics capability developed by…
Keeping Your Eye on the Prize: Business Value
Rightfully so, sometimes data warehouse directors and database administrators get caught up in sourcing, modeling, integrating and managing data in…
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
Yesterday, Amazon introduced Amazon VPC. It enables logically isolated compute instances and a VPN tunnel to connect to internal data…
How pie charts fail
The Wikipedia page for Pie Charts now has a nice section illustrating how bar charts do a better job of…
The Golden Rule
We all know to Do unto others… but I never really considered it applying to email marketing until now. Merritt…
EU Cloud and Naive Bayes Classifiers. Predictive Analytics on the go now on both sides of the pond.
You may be wondering ... what is the link between the Amazon European Union (EU) Cloud and Naive Bayes Classifiers?…
Why XML is incompatible with big data
Mike Driscoll lays out his misadventures using XML for managing large amounts of data: it's too verbose and slows down…
It’s Time to Take Your Data’s Temperature
Don’t look now but there’s a large wave of data at your company’s doorstep. It comes in the form of…
The Art of Pickling Data
I have never pickled before, and probably won’t but I do enjoy eating them. The best tasting pickles one can…
How FlightCaster Squeezes Predictions from Flight Data
During the last several years, an increasing number of systems within government and industry have been collecting massive amounts of…