So You Think You’re Ready for a Data Warehouse Appliance, Part 2
As I wrote in last week’s blog post, a data warehouse appliance simplifies platform and system resource administration. It doesn’t…
Creating an Event Based Marketing (EBM) Plan
Your consumer expects you to be observing them across channel. They expect you to leverage this information and provide exceptional…
What to look for in a new data warehouse
Using dashboards to get broad visibility into business is gaining popularity. Because of advancements in technology, organizations can use BI…
Eli Goldratt and Tom H. C. Anderson Discuss Sales Forecasting
Tom H. C. Anderson and Management Guru Eli Goldratt discuss retail sales forecasting In Saturday’s post Eli Goldratt and I…
First Look – Modellica Decision Engine
Copyright © 2010 James Taylor I got an update on Modellica’s Decision Engine recently. I was referred to Modellica…
Calculate the Value of Your Facebook Page
Marketers are clamoring for data to determine the ROI of their social-media efforts, and a new free tool called the…
Smart meters need smart systems, not a better user interface
This article on CNET caught my eye this morning: Study: Smart meters need better user interface. I am always interested…
The future and trends of Text Analytics
I recently attended a GATE seminar on the University of Sheffield. Having used GATE for quite some time now, i…
How to Improve Predictive Accuracy? (Part 1)
“Prediction is difficult, especially about the future.” - Yogi Berra (a baseball catcher) One model or multiple models? Several articles…
Winning the first game in a baseball series: a harbinger, or not?
For those not familiar with the major-league baseball in the US (and despite living here for more than 10 years,…