Data Mining Theory vs. Practice
In many fields, it is common to find a gap between theorists and practitioners. As stereotypes, theorists have a reputation…
Analytics and the myth of the aha moment
I often hear people talk about analytics, especially advanced analytics like data mining or predictive analytic modeling, as though the…
How to Improve Data Visualization at Your Company?
Even just a few years ago, many people in the corporate world would probably have said that the biggest challenge…
Data Quality by Example: Data Quality Airlines
“Good morning sir!” said the smiling gentleman behind the counter—and a little too cheerily for 5 o’clock in the morning. …
Design Thinking and Process – Is It In You?
Continuing a bit on my recent Design meme; I talk about the current relevance of design thinking, and the impact…
DQ-Tip: “There is no such thing as data accuracy…”
Data Quality (DQ) Tips is an OCDQ regular segment. Each DQ-Tip is a clear and concise data quality pearl of…
Data Preprocessing – Normalization
Further to introduction, in this article I am going to discuss “Data Preprocessing” an important step in the knowledge discovery…
Delivering Data Happiness
Recently, a happiness meme has been making its way around the data quality blogosphere.
Analytics 2020: What will Data Analytics look like in a decade?
When I first thought about the future of data analytics, I started researching to find out what industry experts have…