The Data Outhouse
This is a screen capture of the results of last week’s unscientific data quality poll where it was noted that…
Art and Science of Data Visualization (Part 2)
Just a little more theory and background on Data Visualization, to eat up the rest of your weekend. Unlike the…
Spinal Tap and The Art of Data Management
Here’s a dirty little about data management: It’s about art as well as science. In this post, I discuss how…
DQ-Poll: Data Warehouse or Data Outhouse?
In many organizations, a data warehouse is the only system where data from numerous and disparate operational sources has been…
The interoperability of social networks
Google recently added a caustic warning message when users attempt to export their Google Contacts to Facebook: Hold on a…
Big Data, Big Problems
In the global marketplace, businesses and employees are creating and consuming more information than ever before. Gartner predicts that enterprise…
Let your gray hair light your way through unfamiliar data
How do you approach unfamiliar data? An investment banker I talked to last week — one I know from a…