Watson’s Linguistic Struggles
When you talk to experts in linguistics about teaching language to a computer, they stress all of the context that…
Findability Inside the Firewall – Still Trying to Find the Information We Need
Google and Search are now infamously synonymous for successfully looking for almost anything out there on the worldwide web (regardless…
Data Mining Research Interview: Stuart Shulman
Today on Data Mining Research, Stuart Shulman is answering our questions regarding his tool DiscoverText and his company Texifter. Stuart,…
For Data Visualization, Circles Don’t Cut It
During President Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, the live feed at the White House website featured…
Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing – Too Much Hype: 11 for 2011
It’s time for another business intelligence and data warehousing “hype” list. What industry trends are being hyped by pundits, analysts,…
The data and information puzzle
Discussions about the meaning of data and information is not new, as data managers have debated the semantics of data, information,…
Turns out IBM’s Watson is Not a Supercomputer!
Talking to a friend at IBM last night, I learned that Watson, technically speaking, is not a supercomputer. This was…
Doing Data Mining Out of Order
I like the CRISP-DM process model for data mining, teach from it, and use it on my projects. I commend…
Integrating NoSQL in the Data Warehouse
Just putting NoSQL in the title of a post on B-eye-Network might raise a few hackles ;-) but the growing…