“Big Data” Translates to Bigger Profits, But for Whom?
Ever wonder why the technology field is buzzing with the term “big data?” Many sources would tell you that the…
The Enterprise Approach to Data – Better than a Sleeping Pill
Do you know where your financial data was last night? Sure, you know the operational and financial systems that it…
What Data Visualization Reveals About Your Own LinkedIn Network
My LinkedIn profile says I have 305 connections. I have a sense of where they have all come from –…
Data Mining Improved Company’s Revenue By 187%
Assurant Solutions sells insurance policies on credit card payments, for example if you lose your job or become disabled. Their…
Cities Get Smarter with IBM’s Location-based Analytics
Cities Get Smarter with IBM's Location-based Analytics:IBM is announcing Smarter Cities projects in Wilmington, N.C., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and new…
Design Goals for Developing Distributed Applications
In my last post (Wide open spaces) we discussed the elegance of using space based architecture platforms based on their…
The Case Against Triage
In an episode of the popular American TV show ER, an alcoholic patient with political connections is moved to the…
Data Darwinism: Market Driven Data Quality
Just trying a little contrarian thought this week … Have you ever noticed how much time and energy goes in…
Is Watson less efficient than a human?
When it comes to computing efficiency, humans beings blow Watson away. As Jonah Lehrer points out, the human brain requires…