What Is a Klout Score and Why it Is Important
The Klout score is a metric of your total influence online. The higher your Klout score, the larger and more…
MIT Information Quality Symposium
This year I’m planning to attend the MIT IQ symposium again. I’m also one of the vice chairs of the…
How Do You Define Social Media Analytics?
Don Springer, our CEO, is going to be attending the Text Analytics Summit next week. We’re excited to be included…
Guest Post: Can Database Developers do Data Mining ?
Today’s post has been written by Brendan Tierney, consultant and lecturer with the Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland. He…
Data Presentation: A Picture is Worth Far More Than Words
Over the years I have presented many new ideas. It’s always a challenge to offer new methodologies along with compelling…
Semantic analytics serves the truth & vegetables from a social media diet
Greg Greentstreet, our CTO & SVP Engineering here at CI, watched and distributed Eli Pariser’s video “Beware Online Filter Bubbles”…
Less Wrong: Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Budgeting
Last week Grant and Tadd (co-owners at CAN) presented their insight on the concept of being “Less Wrong” on day…
Garbage in the Lockers and Gold on the Streets
How often do we find the currency and gold lying unprotected in the office cubes or corridors? How often do…
The Next Big Thing is REALLY BIG: Interactions Versus Transactions
There goes that universe screaming at me again. Just when I thought I can move on to try out my…