Latest Big Data News
The Importance of Good Visualizations
As children we go to the eye doctor regularly to make sure our vision is okay and that we can…
The Difference Between ‘Knowledge Discovery’ and ‘Data Mining’
KDD is a non-trivial process for identifying valid, new, potentially useful and ultimately understandable patterns in dat. It consists of…
Blending Historical and Real-Time Analysis of Your Social Customer
Here at CI, we talk a lot about the importance of blending social and traditional metrics to create a more…
Big Data Is The Next Frontier For Innovation, Competition and Productivity
Author: Steve McDonnellSpotfire Blogging Team
You and Your Avatars
If you and I talk on our cell phones, we're actually not speaking with each other, but with each other's…
How BI and Data Analytics Professionals Used Twitter in June
Author: Amanda BrandonSpotfire Blogging Team
Sentiment Analysis for Airlines via Twitter
Last weekend here in the states was the 4th of July long weekend, one of the busier air travel days…