Key Benefits of Leasing vs. Building a Data Center
So your company is expanding and growing at a rapid rate, and the demand requires more space, power and cooling…
The CIO Diaries – Bridging the Gap to LBOs
CIO -- “I am managing ten applications, eighty five virtual machines, four networks, twenty five IT projects and three data centers.…
More Data, More Problems? Not for Thomson Reuters
As companies big and small struggle with the amount of Big Data that floods the web each year, they are…
Optimizing the Use of Line Charts
A line chart is a classic method for visualizing continuous change from one value to the next (often change over…
How BI and Data Analytics Professionals Used Twitter in October
Author: Amanda BrandonSpotfire Blogging Team
Beyond the Data Management Basics
Fast Company recently ran a fantastic article on the success and futures of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. These companies do…
The CEO Wants Analytics! Now What?
The Big Guy just read the latest popular business book. Now he wants a piece of the hot analytics-on-data action!…
Marshall Sponder on Social Media Analytics and Gaining Analytics a Seat at the Corporate Table
(I actually disagree quite a bit regarding Marshall’s view of enterprise monitoring tools unable to create valid data sampling and…
USAF Prevents Insomnia with Geospatial
What causes sleepless nights? For sure, too much caffeine can keep your eyelids open, however it’s more likely that worry…