The Business Value of Collaborative Analytics
Companies that have developed advanced analytical capabilities will be more competitive than their peers whose analytical aptitudes aren’t as fully…
Integrated Data Among Top Challenges P&G, Kraft and Others Face in Tapping Gartner’s “The Power of Me”
At first glance, the title of a Gartner research paper released a few days ago can be misleading.
Reaching The Social Customer: New Tools, New Strategies – Webinar from Social Media Today
I know our collective minds are beginning to focus on turkey and football - ok I guess my collective mind…
BI For Fun – Who Were the Dr Who Villains & What Were Their Motivations to End the World?
It’s not every day you see a data visualization on the popular TV series, Dr Who. Our Dr Who dashboard…
Data Analytics and the Importance of Socializing Your Data
The author of this post is Linda Rosencrance of the Spotfire Blogging Team.
Look Beyond Traditional Pharma Sales Data
Just attended a whole day training about Pharmaceutical sales data by Kosta Tzavaras, the renowned author of books like ‘Pharmaceutical…
Turning Data Into Content Through Social Media
Data as it relates to your business can be used in several ways and serve many different purposes. From a…
Looking for Kool-Aid at the Tableau conference
It’s no secret that some people hear about Tableau’s passionate users and wonder what all the fuss is about. Back…
Value at Risk Segmentation and Retention Campaigns
In Propensity Based Segmentation customers are grouped according to propensity scores, such as churn scores, cross selling scores etc., as estimated by…
ROI for Social Technologies? In a Word, Squishy
Six Tips to Improve CollaborationSix steps you can take to improve collaboration in your company.