Game Analytics: Platform Trends, Monetization and Player Value in Social Games
The Game Analytics industry is arguably still in it's infancy. A list of niche analytics vendors for social and mobile games continues to expand, with…
Social Business Metrics: Measuring Engagement Not Mentions
Transforming your business into a social business means more than simply monitoring mentions and buzz. It means being able to…
Social Searching Everything, For Everyone: Product Review
What could you do if you had access to all of twitter all at once? What if you combined that…
Big Data Fights Crime: The FBI’s Next Generation Identification
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been in the Big Data business since 1999 when it launched the Integrated Automated Fingerprint…
Big Data Governance
In which Jill wonders yet again how much size really matters. It’s always interesting to hear somebody dismiss a trend.…
Addressing Slowly Changing Dimensions with Teradata v13
Earlier in my blog, Slowly Changing Dimensions – Special Attention Needed, I touched upon the need to pay special attention…
Near Field Communication, But Far Reaching Impact with Analytics
"There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard"; “Don't leave home without it” - These may…