Why Human Resource Should Care About Big Data
There is no conversation or corporate strategy presentation today without mentioning Big Data. The focus of this write-up is to…
Forrester: Companies That Don’t Integrate Social Data Fail in the Age of the Customer
Given the prominence of “all things social” in 2011, it’s an appropriate topic for this last post of the year.…
December 2011 issue of the R Journal: An overview
The December 2011 issue of the R Journal is now available for download. Three times a year, the open-access journal…
Social Media Analytics: Three Perspectives
The analytics discipline within this channel can comprise a number of different perspectives. These three perspectives are:
On the Government, Data, Cooperation, Crisis, and Opportunity
In government circles, Open Data is getting its fair share of attention these days. At least in the US, resistance…
Trudeau v. Kent, That’s What I Call Negative Sentiment
Last week was a swashbuckling affair in Canada’s House of Commons. Justin Trudeau (son of Canada’s favourite statesman, Pierre Elliot…
How to Use Pivot Tables to Mine Your Data
To succeed at Six Sigma or any process improvement effort, you'll often have to analyze and summarize text data. Most…
‘Garbage in, garbage out’ — with a 2012 Twist
GIGO — or ‘garbage in, garbage out’ — has been the programmer’s mantra since the dawn of computing, with meaning…
Three Competencies for the Entity Web
When we interact with information sources online in 2014 (note I'm not calling these things search engines, though the things…
The Horizon of Data Mining
A few days ago, inquiring about projection models I was faced with a question about whether these models are purely…