Target, Pregnancy, and Predictive Analytics – Part I
There have been a plethora of tweets about the New York Times article "How Companies Learn Your Secrets", mostly focused…
Taking a Dimension-Free View of Data
One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is the intimidating nature of big data.
Big Brother… or do I mean Big Data?
"Social networks already know who you know", "recommendation engines get much smarter", "early detection mitigates catastrophes".
Big data and social analytics
Commenting on one of the interesting things when businesses try to install a new social platform within the enterprise, Marie…
Design Is Not Science: an Interview With Nate Bolt
Nate Bolt is the co-founder and president of Bolt | Peters, a research and design firm specializing in remote usability,…
Business Intelligence – The Power of Human Emotion
2011 was noted as the year that demonstrated the "power of the human emotion.” It was the year where human…
Why Big Data Mining / Analytics is the New Gold Rush
Just mention the words “Big Data” to any technology entrepreneur or investor and observe how his/her face lights up with…
Sentiment Analytics – The Gold Mine, which you didn’t Mine!
It’s really a no brainer that Customer Satisfaction matters. Every IT or Business unit I’ve known, considers Customer Satisfatction, a…