What Are Big Data, Hadoop and HDFS? 3 Must-Watch YouTube Videos
Here are three great videos on Big Data, Hadoop and HDFS. Hope you enjoy them and do let me know…
The Information Supply Chain and the Growth of Enterprise App Stores
Analysts at Forrester and Gartner are seeing a rise in adoption of enterprise app stores. As Forrester looks ahead a…
Big Data Analytics: Don’t Forget the Endgame
We’re hearing a great deal these days about Big Data and related terms, one of which is Big Data analytics.…
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier, authors of the just-published Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and…
Genesco Sues Visa Over PCI Noncompliance Fines
On March 7th, the sportswear company Genesco filed a lawsuit against Visa. The issue? In 2010 Genesco’s computer system was…
Big Data and the Wizard of Oz Syndrome
An excellent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Big Data, Big Blunders,” discussed five An excellent article in the Wall…
Cloud Security: Vetting Applications and Cloud Providers for Compliance and Security
The latest report from the Ponemon Institute, located in Traverse City, Michigan, sought to analyze trends in cloud computing security…
SAS Innovates into the Big Data Analytics Era
SAS Institute held its 24th annual analyst summit last week in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The 37-year-old privately held company is a…
Big Data: Where the Opportunities Are!
I am often asked which industries offer the best potential for application of a Big Data solution and I have…
Walmart Makes Big Data Part of Its DNA
Walmart started using big data even before the term big data became known in the industry and in 2012 they…