Why a Mere 300 Exabytes Will Give Us a Headache [VIDEO]
Although 90% of the available data in the world was created in the last two years, it does mean that…
Changing Role of #CIO: Chief Information to Chief Insights Officer
There was a time not too long ago (late 1970s to be precise) when companies used to have an Electronic…
Web Report Studio: Switch Report Sections to Tabs in Snap!
One of my gripes with Web Report Studio is that it is not always obvious that a report contains more sections.…
Data Warehousing: Lessons We Have Failed to Learn
Over the last few years, I have been studying the reason that data warehouse projects fail. This, to me, is…
How Customers Are Enriching Your CRM
CRM is an essential business tool – this much has been realized by enterprises irrespective of their sizes. But, are…
Big Data Today: Living as Far from 1984 as Orwell
Over the last month I’ve been talking a lot about personally controlled records and the ownership of your own information.…
Social Data on the Top 4 Social Media Channels: How They Use Each Other
Google+ rolled out a new design last week that looks like they are redefining the look of social media and…
7 Big Data Trends That Will Impact Your Business
The topic of big data continues to pulsate with vigor in the market, as demonstrated by the wide variety of…
How “Big Data” Is Protecting the Enterprise Against Growing Social Risk
With the billions of discussions taking place on a daily basis across the open social universe, millions of individuals –…
Why Flickr Lost Me as a Pro
I was a dedicated Flickr Pro. I paid annual dues since 2007, most recently at $24.95 a year, for the…