How Big Data Analytics Reveal Your Most Intimate Secrets
Big Data Analytics allow us to automatically analyze digital records such as our updates, photos and ‘Likes’ on Facebook. But…
Big Data Ethics: Vendors Should Take A Stand
I have been working in analytics for over twenty years, and have witnessed first hand how these technologies have made…
Big Data Will Help Create Great PR Campaigns
According to Wikipedia, Public Relations is the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization…
CIOs Predict IT Development
Wondering about the form IT will take over the next few years is only natural. Technology has evolved so much…
SAS Visual Analytics: What’s Happening to SAS BI?
With all the hype about the SAS Visual Analytics product, you start to wonder: what is the plan for the…
Very Big Data Will Transform Science [VIDEO]
Berkeley Lab operates the fastest science network in the world, connecting all science labs in the United States. In March…
CAPEX for IT: Why So Painful?
CAPEX dollars reserved for investments in plant, property or equipment (including IT) are notoriously hard to secure. In fact, IT…
Data Design Is Not Optional
The data model is designed to enforce certain rules on the information – such as ensuring that customer identifiers are…
Perils of Big Data: US Government Collecting Customer Data from Verizon
An article by the Guardian revealed that the US government is secretly collecting phone information from Verizon, storing what number…
The Road to Success with Big Data: A Closer Look at Expectations vs. Reality
Big Data is complex. The technologies in Big Data are rapidly maturing, but are still in many ways in an…