Big Data Is Not Enough
Big data is the big buzz word in the world of analytics today. According to google trends, shown in the…
Data from the Quantified Self Will Impact the Future [VIDEO]
A discussion with three leaders in the field of human technologies, artificial intelligence and data about the possibilities of the…
Big Data Benefits versus Big Risks [VIDEO]
The recent revelations about the NSA’s secret program makes people aware of the world of big data and the thin…
SAS Aligns Marketing and Customer Intelligence
I recently attended SAS’s European analyst event, where I went to focus on new developments around customer intelligence, an application of…
Will Google Glass Turn Big Data into Huge Data?
This post was written by Josh Polsky, a blogger on the Big Data Knowledge platform I remember one time on…
Why, What and How to Encrypt: Security Expert Insights
Not sure if your organization’s sensitive data is properly encrypted? It’s time to be sure. Chris Heuman, Practice Leader for…
In a Big Data World, Assumptions Can Be Risky
Any new analytic process will include assumptions about a wide range of areas including what actions will realistically be considered…
First Look: Via Science
I got a chance to catch up with Via Science recently. Via Science is focused on “big math” for “big…
How Big Data and Statistical Modeling Are Changing Video Games [WEBINAR REPLAY]
Bill Grosso presented a fascinating webinar about the video gaming industry yesterday: Knowing How People Are Playing Your Game Gives You…
How Big Data Is Shrinking Our World [VIDEO]
Dr. Kirk Borne is a Multidisciplinary Data Scientist and an Astrophysicist. He gave a TEDx talk at George Mason University on…