How Are Companies Organising Their Big Data Initiatives? [INFOGRAPHIC]
The Big Data Study by Tata Consultancy Services resulted in another interesting infographic that shows how organisations have organised big…
Danger: 3 Reasons to Be Scared of Big Data
Just imagine you are sitting on your sofa watching American Idol on TV when you and your partner have a…
10 Greatest Challenges Preventing Businesses from Capitalizing on Big Data [INFOGRAPHIC]
A research from Tata Consultancy Services among 1.217 companies about how companies invest in big data and derive results from…
5 Insights Your Traditional Data Won’t Tell You
The traditional relational database has been the mainstay of IT for decades. It offered a reliable way to store and…
Beware Cloud Washing: 6 Ways to Spot Fake “Cloud” CRM
The current popularity of cloud technology is understandable. In the same way that traditional computer systems were a vast improvement…
Survey Says Only 7% of European Companies Rate Big Data as Relevant [VIDEO]
Welcome to BI.TV – your vendor agnostic fortnightly recap of global Business Intelligence and analytics news, views and reviews. *For…
Big Data and Data Science: Is This Hype?
Big Data is one of those heavily abused technology terms today. It’s become a catch-all phrase used to fit any…
Top BI Dashboard Design and Delivery Worst Practices
It’s child’s play, don’t you know? Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards are the proverbial cherry-on-top of your business analytics project –…
How to Make Your CRM Deliver on ROI
According to Gartner, the global CRM market is growing three times faster than any other element of the enterprise software…
How Data Hoarding Is Costing Your Business
The ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data is one of the most useful developments in business technology.…