Google and Apache Hadoop: A Match Made in the Cloud
To the uninitiated, words like “Google” and “Hadoop” sound like the stuff of a futuristic make-believe world. Being that the…
The World’s Most Unusual Data Centers [INFOGRAPHIC]
With an ever growing amount of data in the world, that data also needs to be stored and why not…
Taking the Proper Approach to Big Data
As a new year begins, businesses in all industries across the world are strategizing how they can do better in…
How Big Data Can Improve Manufacturing Quality
We’ve all heard countless examples of how big data can help companies with their marketing efforts and getting a better…
Five Data Mining Techniques That Help Create Business Value
There are many different types of analysis that can be done in order to retrieve information from big data. Each…
Watson 2.0, Platform Thinking and Data Marketplaces
Few computing and technological achievements rival IBM’s Watson. Its impressive accomplishments to this point include high-profile victories in chess and Jeopardy! Few…
SAS Visual Analytics: How Catwoman Influenced My Data
Eartha Kitt was the best Cat Woman. It’s true – her voice and diction was what made her so purr-fect…
Book Review: Information is Beautiful by David McCandless
Information is Beautiful is a thought provoking labour of love by one of the first true data journalists, David McCandless.…
7 Big Data Trends for 2014
As the year 2013 is almost over, it is good to have a look back at the trends that I…
How 250 Milliseconds in Added Latency Can Ruin Online Sales This Holiday Season
In the midst of this holiday shopping season, business owners find themselves facing countless demands to increase profitability. Many businesses…