IoT: One of the Largest Technological Advancements Ever
The further we continue into the future, the more innovation we see. In fact, every year boasts more innovation over…
3 Ways to Use Big Data in FinTech
Financial technology, or FinTech, applies to any novation in the financial areas including investments, retail banking, lending and many other…
Mass digitization: Opportunity or threat to IT?
All forms of media have been dramatically transformed by their digitization, including video, music, the classifieds, magazines and pictures. This…
Retail Data Monetization: Are you sitting on top of a retail goldmine?
The majority of sales generated in the 4.5 trillion dollar US retail market is in-store and the volume of transaction data collected…
Enhancing Personalization Through Explicit User Feedback
When we talk about customer data and how it's obtained (at least in the context of the internet industry), one…
NPV Considerations for Open Source Big Data Technologies
Mention the words “open source” and all kinds ideas probably come to mind such as “free”, “agility”, and “speed”. However,…
Enriching Your Account Universe: Turn Data into Revenue
There is an 8x increase in ROI on personalized campaigns, according to Forrester Research. While B2C marketers have been doing…
Youth Not Only Driving Big Data Success, But Pushing
Big data use is only growing, with businesses realizing that their options are to jump on the craze or find…
Uniting Big Data with the Cloud
Combining big data with the cloud seems like the perfect technology unity. Despite the many advantages that the cloud offers, many…