IBM Study Shows Big Data Improves Food Safety
Food safety is a very serious concern for every restaurant manager. Contamination or an outbreak can jeopardize the health of…
How listening to our cars will improve the driving experience
Smart technology is already being used in cars, but we're just at the very beginning. It’s a given that Over-the-Air …
Internet of Things Requires Operational Intelligence
The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) is an extension of digital connectivity to devices and sensors in homes, businesses, vehicles…
Rethinking Big Data’s Usability
The emergence of Big Data has forever changed the face of business. With so much information available, business decisions in…
This is Why UX Design and Big Data Need Each Other
In the digital age, there’s been a relentless decline in businesses that run on instinct. These days, it seems that…
Hollywood looking at big data to find the next big hit
There may be hidden creativity within your Facebook posts and tweets. Moreover, it might even be used to create the…
4 Disastrous Big Data Mistakes Your Brand is making
Sun Tsu once said, “every battle is won before it is ever fought.” He was referring to the importance of…
How to Develop your Strategy Using Data Analytics
More and more industries are becoming data-driven due to the increasing capabilities of information technology. As businesses increasingly rely on…
The Growing Fear of Excel and Why It’s Finally Nearing Extinction
For the past 30 years, Excel has been integral to businesses everywhere.It's become the foundation of countless business processes, aiding…
Getting Serious About Big Data Security
Big data technology is becoming an increasingly important tool for businesses to help them gain insights and make better decisions.…