5 Ways Big Data is Transforming Customer Service
The lifeblood of any organization, whether service oriented or not, is good customer service. How you interact with your customers…
Leveraging Data with Business Intelligence Analytics Tools
Business intelligence can be defined in terms of techniques and tools for acquiring and transforming raw data into useful information…
Data Mining Can Be a Game Changer for Small Businesses
These days big data mining is not just a catch-phrase, it is actually being used as a potent tool by…
How the Internet of Things is Changing Big Data Analytics
Data has always played a key role in business, but the rise of big data - vast stores of information…
Could the Julia Language Fill an Untapped Void for Big Data Programmers?
There are several popular programming languages for big data applications. Python and R are two of the most popular. Julia language…
Big Data is Streamlining International Trade Faster than We Expected
Advances in computing have driven international trade over the past decade. The World Trade Organization states that international merchandise trade…
Can Business Intelligence Answer the Questions Asked of it Without Big Data?
“BI is about providing the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take…
Will Big Data Be The Key To Affordable Precision Medicine?
Science is a data game – there seems to be endless amounts of information, which means some of it is…
Big Data is Leading the Fight Against Fake News
A few months ago, a friend of mine shared an article on Facebook about a man that accidentally married his…
6 Ways Big Data Analytics Is Changing the E-Commerce Industry
Big Data is a buzzword right now, but what is big data and how has it changed the e-commerce industry?…