How Real-Time and Location Data Are Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry
Modern location data and location-based tools can be used for a variety of things in today’s world. They can help…
Three Ways Big Data Is Revamping Manufacturing Processes
From eCommerce and healthcare to fintech and sports, the modern world is all about big data. And the official stats…
Understanding the Role of Data in the Legal Profession
When you study various industries, it’s pretty obvious which ones are relying heavily on data and which ones are lagging…
4 Ways Your Marketing Team Can Harness Big Data to 10X Productivity
Increasing workforce productivity is a chief concern of almost every company, and especially in the marketing field, where workers face…
Using Big Data For Non-Profit Gains: 4 Lead Generation Strategies
When using big data for lead generation, non-profits tend to be at a disadvantage compared to their for-profit competitors. Why?…
Big Data and Lending: A Match Made in Heaven?
Is there anything that big data hasn’t touched? It’s nearly impossible to find some aspect of business that remains unaffected…
Is Quantitative Data Enough to Understand Your Customers?
Big data is becoming increasingly important for marketing and business success. About 53 percent of companies are already relying on…
Using Big Data to Minimize the Risks of User-Generated Content
User-generated content has been a boon for marketers for the past couple of years. Research has found that consumers are…
Text Mining Strategies and Limitations with Scalable Data Solutions
Unstructured data has created a number of unique challenges for data scientists in the brands that depend on them. Textual…
Turbo-Charge Data Scientist Productivity with a Data Catalog
The average salary of a data scientist in the U.S. is nearly $130,000, a figure that’s bound to climb as the shortage…