IT as a Business: or IaaB
Whereas SaaS is predominantly a Business Process Outsourcing trend, Cloud Computing is predominantly an IT operation outsourcing trend. IBM and…
Google and corporate espionage
The release of Google's Chrome and the original EULA that was bound to it has opened an interesting debate about…
SaaS economics
While researching the offerings of rPath, I came across Billy Marshall's blog . Among many of the tidbits of insight,…
Data is the differentiator
In the previous posts (lingo, federated clouds, smallest Cloud Computer, ) we simplified the notion of cloud computing as a…
Comparing the Cost Continued…
The next step was to select our benchmarks and calculate their costs. We extracted two workloads that are common to…
The Goldman Sachs SaaS scorecard
The past couple weeks I have been peering over reams and reams of investment analysis regarding 'cloud computing'. It has…
The Achilles’ Heel of SaaS: the processor vendors Intel and IBM
Whereas the current SaaS offerings are dominated by the automation of standard workflows such as CRM, HR, and Accounting, the…
Web Server as the smallest unit of Cloud Computing
To demystify the concept of cloud computing, I would like to assert that a web server is the smallest unit…
Open Source and free data
Two articles that are just wonderfully expansive... came across these articles researching and thinking about SaaS and PaaS and what…
SaaS business development
There is a great group discussion regarding cloud computing at Google Groups. In one thread titled Brutal reality of SaaS...…