In-House vs. Outsourced Call Centers: What to Choose
Business has always been about interaction. The better you are at engaging with your clientele the more money you are…
72% of People Aren’t Familiar with Hosted VoIP
The cloud is well known for its management and storage of big data. It’s revolutionised the way in which businesses…
Is Big Data Winning or Losing?
Big data is now used everywhere. AT&T has a database of 312 terabytes, the NSA use 30 million gigabytes a…
A Closer Look at RDDs
Apache Spark has gotten a lot of attention for its fast processing of large amounts of data. But how does…
Not Seeing the Results of Big Data? Maybe You Have a Lot of Data, Not Big Data
Big data is a handy catch-all term for the en masse collection of data ubiquitous in modern society. If you…
5 Disruptive Technology Advancements Which Will Change Business as Usual
A disruptive technology can be defined as an innovation that will help to develop new value networks and markets. However,…
The USA Is Building the World’s Fastest Supercomputer
The United States president, Barack Obama, wants a new supercomputer for the United States and signed an executive order for…
Big Intelligence: BI Meets Big Data, with Apache Drill
Welcome to a whole new world of data exploration—a world where SQL specialists are now first class citizens and no…
Forecast Product Demand with Confidence
Is your company using demand forecasting in your planning process? And are you happy with those results? Based on our…
Managing Big Data Integration and Security with Hadoop
The explosion of the World Wide Web into our lives was like being given a gigantic toy chest with anything…