Consuming Output for Further Processing
A common need with SPSS Statistics is to produce some statistical results and then use them for further processing. We…
Social Network Analyzer Download Available
The Social Network Analyzer prototype unveiled in a previous blog post was available on demand. It can now be downloaded and…
Not to scale
Art Director Nick Rapp created the following representation of recent bear markets for the Associated Press: Check out the scale…
Quick Visualization of Search Queries
Here is a quick visualization I did in honor of April 15th to investigate what people looking for on tax…
Social Media: Back to Spreadsheets
It’s a dirty word right now - spreadsheets. IT departments want to remove our dependence on spreadsheets and convert us…
Archiving Strategy: Data Relevance
We often think of the relevance of data when we want to include or exclude it from analysis or process.…
Start Up Spotlight: UserVoice
I had the pleasure yesterday to spend some time chatting with Marcus Nelson (@marcusnelson) of e2.0 start up UserVoice. So in…
Find yourself a safer place to swim or fish in the Bay Area
Another example of a web dashboard built using R comes from John Oram, a scientist at the San Francisco Estuary…
Exploring Visual Similarity with Modista
My friend Arlo and I co-founded Modista, a web site that uses computer vision algorithms and a novel user interface…
Social Media Monitoring with ScoutLabs – Interview
During my previous posts i have shown some examples of Sentiment Analysis using Twitter. I came across a Sentiment Analysis…