Visualizing Hierarchical Cluster Models
The blog Getting Genetics Done features tips for analyzing genomic data, such as this recent post on hierarchical clustering with…
Indicators & KPIs
In a recent Wired magazine article “American Vice: Mapping the 7 Deadly Sins” (the original was in the Las Vegas…
Interactive stock visualizations with R
Jeroen Ooms, who recently completed his Masters in Statistics at Utrech University, has created an outstanding web-based drag-and-drop application for…
How pie charts fail
The Wikipedia page for Pie Charts now has a nice section illustrating how bar charts do a better job of…
Because it’s Friday: United States of Obesity
Reader BR pointed me to a, er, unique representation of the proportion of the proportion of the population in each…
SAP’s Sustainability Dashboards
The SAP’s Sustainability Report web site provides a great example of how business intelligence can help with sustainability reporting and analysis.…
How Different Groups Spend Their Day – Interactive Graphic -…
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic - The American Time Use Survey asks thousands of American…
Design for Information
All to often reports are designed to provide data, not information. There are charts and tables with little intrepretation, or…
Slides from OSCON
OSCON 2009 has been a blast so far, and I've really been enjoying the presentations and meeting people from different…
A long look at Stephen Few’s “Now You See It”
Stephen Few gave a snappy name to his new book, Now You See It, and a cover that signals a…