Data visualization: a new way of looking at the world -…
Data visualization: a new way of looking at the world - “Specialists from scientists to accountants have been dealing…
Stalking the why: selling visual analysis
How do you show the value of visual analysis to business people? Dan Murray can show it in demos, but…
Geographic maps in R
The maps library for R is a powerful tool for creating maps of countries and regions of the world. For…
A New Graphical Representation of the Periodic Table |…
A New Graphical Representation of the Periodic Table | According to Mohd Abubakr from Microsoft Research in Hyderabad, the…
Analysis of airline performance
At the data expo held at this year's ASA meeting, the competition was to present as a poster an graphical…
Airline and Airport Traffic and Delays: A JuiceKit Visualization Demo
To fly is to be frustrated. If you've been traveling for long, you no doubt have your opinions about what…
The Netflix Prize and Freeing Data Analytics
This week, Netflix presented the first Netflix Prize, awarding the Belkour Pragmatic Chaos team the $1 Million grand prize in…
Mass Layoffs August 2009
Yesterday the Mass Layoff report was issued by the United States Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics. The…
ggplot2 and the grammar of graphics
I really enjoyed Hadley Wickham's talk for the Bay Area UseR group last week. I've really been getting into ggplot2…
How to Create and Deploy Effective Metrics
I’m trying to catch up on a big backlog of materials and documents and documents that I’ve found useful… Here’s…