Scraping data from the Web with R
Sometimes the data we need isn't packaged up nicely into a simple comma-separated file or database. It's out there, but…
As might be inferred from my last post, certain sporting matters have been on my mind of late. However, as…
A Few Words on Behavioral Targeting
One can usually divide Online Advertising (OA) in different types. Here are some examples of OA types: Contextual targeting (Google…
Information Waves
Many years ago when I was a researcher in a European think-tank, I wanted to develop an automatic way to…
The Darker Side Of Analytics
I recently read an article in one of the major Dutch newspapers (warning - it's in Dutch!) about their Government's moves…
SIGIR: Meet the Who’s Who of Search and Information Retrieval
Matt Cutts. danah boyd. Bruce Croft. Marti Hearst. What do these people have in common? If you’re thinking that they…
Improving the responsiveness of websites with R
Philip Jacob wanted to improve the responsiveness of the website for customers, and narrowed the problem down to DNS…
Thoughts on UseR! 2009
The fifth international conference for R users, UseR! 2009, has come and gone, and by all accounts was a smashing…
Top 10 mistakes on data mining – on YouTube!
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Top 10 mistakes on data mining – on YouTube!.Syndicated from…
A Big Cryptographic Boost for On-Demand BI and Extranets?
A recent cryptographic breakthrough made by Craig Gentry that potentially has huge consequences for business intelligence. One of the big…