How are Predictive Analytics related to Performance?
A few months ago, I posted a video blog to start a conversation around the term "Analytics". I had asked you:How…
Metadata versus Taxonomy
I’ve advocated for many years that Information Management should be a superset of related disciplines including data warehousing, document management,…
Data Mining in the New Economy and How to Get Started
We are all, to some extent, experiencing the drastic transformations that are underway within our current economy. Spurred by the…
Data Mining Theory vs. Practice
In many fields, it is common to find a gap between theorists and practitioners. As stereotypes, theorists have a reputation…
Analytics and the myth of the aha moment
I often hear people talk about analytics, especially advanced analytics like data mining or predictive analytic modeling, as though the…
Data Preprocessing – Normalization
Further to introduction, in this article I am going to discuss “Data Preprocessing” an important step in the knowledge discovery…
Very Simple Segmentation Ideas for Retailers
Segmentation Strategy is a pretty common theme among eMarketers; we’ve covered some simple strategies in other posts on the blog…
Segmentation is About Precision
Precision is a key tactic to creating relevance & engagement. To achieve this precision, you have to focus on your…
Banks, Risk Disclosure and Text Analytics
A UK-based MSc student of Kingston Business School - Christos Gkemitzis- had an idea for his MSc project which immediately…
The Real Data Value is Business Insight
Understanding your data usage is essential to improving its quality, and therefore, you must perform data analysis on a regular…