Defending Your Analytics: Handling Hecklers
The Nature of the Beast The trumpet sounds and the matador, dressed in gold, parades into the ring as a…
Giving Thanks as an Information Scientist
As a first-generation American who is married to a card-carrying Native American, I celebrate Thanksgiving the traditional way: a day…
Overcoming Tradition with Analytics – Baseball’s Mindshift
Tradition is always a challenge to overcome. It reminds me of the definition of stupidity as “repeating the same mistakes…
Talk Analytics with Executives: 4 Things You Must Understand
Data analysis isn’t something you do for your own entertainment. Businesses pay for analytics to support decision-making, to provide them…
The interoperability of social networks
Google recently added a caustic warning message when users attempt to export their Google Contacts to Facebook: Hold on a…
Big Data, Big Problems
In the global marketplace, businesses and employees are creating and consuming more information than ever before. Gartner predicts that enterprise…
Let your gray hair light your way through unfamiliar data
How do you approach unfamiliar data? An investment banker I talked to last week — one I know from a…
Mining for consumer behavior in Tweets
In the previous post we discussed the first steps necessary to understand what consumers write in their Tweets regarding their…
Early Indications October 2010: The Analytics Moment: Getting numbers to tell stories
Thanks in part to vigorous efforts by vendors (led by IBM) to bring the idea to a wider public, analytics…
Seven Questions That Make Analytics Smarter
In a recent discussion at Boston’s Knowledge Management Forum, KM Forum President Larry Chait and Industry Consultant Jack Vinson shared a…