A simple Data Transformation example…
In my experience of customer focused data mining projects, over 80% of the time is spent preparing and transforming the…
Successful Business Intelligence Projects: The Role of Managers and Leaders
Most BI projects fail because the leadership for those projects is wrong. An article on how Some Brains Wire…
Intro to Pervasive Business Intelligence (via…
Intro to Pervasive Business Intelligence (via informationbuilders)
Decision Management, Tom Davenport and the New BI
Tom wrote an interesting post this week on 10 Principles of the New Business Intelligence and made a couple of…
Smarter (and Social) Science Spacehack » data…
Smarter (and Social) Science Spacehack » data analysis Spacehack is a directory of ways to participate in space exploration, interact +…
SmartData Collective
I was recently asked to join the SmartData Collective, which is a social community of bloggers and professionals interested in…
Blogging Increasing in Popularity Among Gen Y
Anderson Analytics’ GenX2Z releases partial findings from 2009 US College Student Report. The longitudinal study tracks college students attitudes and…
Good Data
I have written in the past about efforts by Microsoft ( using SQL Server at http://www.sqlserverdatamining.com/cloud/) and the data browser…
A Program for Catching Terrorists
Unlike other Indian Bloggers, this one is not about the Mumbai attacks. I have stayed in those hotels , including…
Blogs are Dead!?! – Not Among Gen Y
A couple of weeks ago Wired magazine featured one of the “founding fathers of blogging”, Jason Calacanis, who claimed blogs…