OFF=ON | More and more, the offline world (a.k.a. the real…
OFF=ON | More and more, the offline world (a.k.a. the real world, meatspace or atom-arena) is adjusting to and mirroring…
Researchers at MIT have made pure, dense, thin films of carbon…
Researchers at MIT have made pure, dense, thin films of carbon nanotubes that show promise as electrodes for higher-capacity batteries…
“The Open Cloud Consortium (OCC): supports the development of standards for cloud computing and…”
“The Open Cloud Consortium (OCC): supports the development of standards for cloud computing and frameworks for interoperating between clouds; supports…
Announcing the Congress API – Open Blog)The initial release…
Announcing the Congress API - Open Blog) The initial release exposes four types of data: a list of members for…
How geeks are opening up government on the Web (via iGov – The…
How geeks are opening up government on the Web (via iGov - The Atlantic)
The CODA is the outcome of the only Brown-RISD joint studio, Out…
The CODA is the outcome of the only Brown-RISD joint studio, Out of Gas! The objective of the studio, was…
Q & A with Eric Siegel, President of Prediction Impact
It's my pleasure to welcome Eric Siegel, President of Prediction Impact on data intelligence. He has kindly answered some of my questions…
Indeed, issues about water scarcity, pollution, and dangerous…
Indeed, issues about water scarcity, pollution, and dangerous changes to the world’s oceans have suffered at the hands of more…
“Most of the devices on display this year are not electronic islands. Nearly everything is a little…”
“Most of the devices on display this year are not electronic islands. Nearly everything is a little computer that wants…
Webinar on the ROI of business rules in decision management
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Webinar on the ROI of business rules in decision management.On…