Facts not fears, confidence not certainty, critical thinking not wishful thinking
Madeline Albright gave a great presentation at the SAS Global Forum in Washington DC this week. Several of her bon-mots…
Analytics: Math, Operations Research, Statistics Driving…
Analytics: Math, Operations Research, Statistics Driving Business
Data Miners: Participate in 3rd Annual Survey
Data Miners: Pleaseparticipate in our 3rd Annual Data Miner SurveySurvey Link:www.RexerAnalytics.com/Data-Miner-Survey-Intro2.html Access Code: SD4W2Pleasealso help us spread the word to more data…
How to Measure the Business Impact of Data Quality
So, you want to invest in data quality but you need to prove ROI before you get the resources. Intuitively…
What is R?
What is R? It seems like a simple question, but I fear this is going to be a long post.My…
Webinar Putting Predictive Analytics to Work Using Decision Management
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Webinar Putting Predictive Analytics to Work Using Decision Management.I am…
Last call for papers for Business Rules Forum/EDM Summit 2009
Sorry for the late notice. Somehow I missed the first ones so this is now last minute How are business…
SAS formally announces integration with R in SAS/IML Studio
The forthcoming integration between SAS/IML Studio, which had previously been reported in several unofficial forums, is now official. The integration…
CRANberries: Keep up-to-date with R packages
There are many R packages on CRAN (1735 as of this writing). There are updates to existing packages almost every…
The SmartBay Project created a system to monitor wave…
The SmartBay Project created a system to monitor wave conditions, marine life and pollution levels in and around Galway Bay,…