The Amazing Ways Big Data Is Now Used in HR
Employees are a both a business’s greatest asset and its greatest expense. So hitting on the right formula for selecting…
Retail is Dead. Long Live Retail!
Retail as we know it is dying. The Internet is the method; ecommerce websites like Amazon, Alibaba, and others who…
Big Data Is Changing Every Industry, Even Yours!
“You can never have too much data – bigger is always better” – the words of Amazon’s chief technology officer…
A Quick Guide to Structured and Unstructured Data
Big data has opened doors never before considered by many businesses. The idea of utilizing unstructured data for analysis has…
How Amazon Uses Big Data to Boost Its Performance
Amazon is a big data giant, which is why I want to look at the company in my second post…
Big Data, Analytics and Criminals
To a criminal, life must have seemed so much simpler before the advent of big data. Back then, if you…
The Billboard Problem: Why Intelligent Ads Only Live Online, for Now
For centuries, billboard ads have been an ambiguous but undoubtedly treasured way to convert eyeballs into customers. In the land of…
How Text Mining Can Help Your Business Dig For Gold
Your customers want to communicate with you. Your partners, employees, potential clients, competitors, press and social media influencers want to…
Facebook’s Big Data: Equal Parts Exciting and Terrifying?
Facebook, the popular social network with over 1.2 billion users world wide, has not just big, but gigantic amounts of…
NoSQL Vs. RDBMS for Interactive Analytics: Leveraging the Right and Left Brain of Data
Comparing NoSQL and relational databases is lot like comparing the left and right sides of the brain. Too much focus…