With the help of IBM’s new supply chain consulting service,…
With the help of IBM’s new supply chain consulting service, Cosco figured out it could reduce its number of distribution…
Conjoint / Discrete Choice In Segmentation
Anderson Analytics has been asked more and more lately to conduct conjoint/discrete choice segmentation studies. It’s usually for more…
Analytics versus Performance Management – Does Anyone know the Difference?
One of the fun but also frustrating aspects of enterprise performance management is dealing with the confusion about what it…
The enlightening, essential survival application for the iPod…
The enlightening, essential survival application for the iPod touch and iPhone — use auto-location to tell you about all the…
NYC Loves Obama – A closer look (but not too close)
The other day I mentioned Data visualization in conjunction with my blog on the helicopter lesson. Interestingly we almost missed…
RockSolid Cloud Services Edition
Today we have announced our Cloud Services Edition of RockSolid. This edition is specifically targeted to organizations that provide SQL…
Apple, DRM & Content Protection
Image via CrunchBase The music industries decision to do away with DRM, which has lead to Apple’s ability to offer…
ReBlog: On Why I Don’t Like Auto-Scaling in the Cloud
George Reese posted the following on the O'Reilly Blog "I enter into sales meetings getting clients excited about dynamic scaling…
Australian National Broadband Roll Out
Image via Wikipedia As you may have heard Telstra, Australia’s largest Telco and ISP and the provider of almost all…
Is love for Twitter blind?
Image via CrunchBase Oh Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. In almost every respect Twitter has been a perfect example of how not…