Pachube is a service that enables you to connect, tag and share…
Pachube is a service that enables you to connect, tag and share real time sensor data from objects, devices, buildings…
Even New Media Companies Should Listen to their Evangelists/Apostles First
Strangely, Customer Satisfaction Research Among Super Users is Missing from Major Social Networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace… My…
We The People of FaceBook
Encouraging and Respecting Users - Wouldn’t a Facebook United Nations Be a Good Idea? Facebook posted new terms of…
One oil field alone can generate the equivalent of 200…
One oil field alone can generate the equivalent of 200 DVDs’ worth of data per day. Making sense of all…
Kick off 2009 by predicting 2010
Let’s kick off this new year by predicting the next. You may say, “Ba Humbug, a year’s too far ahead…
The beef on how predictive analytics delivers business value
I wrote a new article spelling out the many ways predictive analytics can produce value for your business - namely,…
PAW Speaker Wins the Netflix Progress Prize
News flash: The Netflix Prize leader, presenting at Predictive Analytics World, Feb 18-19 in San Francisco, won the Netflix Progress…
Benefit from Predictive Analytics in a Down Economy by Following Best Practices
It’s hard to pick up a newspaper these days without seeing companies cutting more costs. Part of this story is…
Predictive analytics FAQ #1: Prerequisites for success
Predictive analytics FAQ #1: What does it take for predictive analytics to deliver business value - what are the prerequisites…
Two great workshops on predictive analytics
Predictive Analytics World has added two workshops that serve as a third-day option on Feb 20 to complement the core…