Detecting the Madoff Effect: Methodology for Fraud in Hedge Funds
As a result of the recent Bernard Madoff fraud scheme, pension funds and corporate finance managers have been put on…
What do I want my Epitaph and Legacy to Be?
Have you ever played around with the self-improvement exercise of writing your own obituary or epitaph? It is intended to…
“Predictive analytics allows your organization to learn from its collective experience and puts this…”
“Predictive analytics allows your organization to learn from its collective experience and puts this knowledge to action. Let’s say, for…
What is the Best Organization Chart for Performance Management?
Dutch business executives and government administrators are digesting the findings of a recent research study about how to best organize…
What? So what? Then what? … Why not?
One of the problems with business intelligence (BI) information is that it does not always complete the task, e.g. solve…
The Obama Administration – a Catalyst to Implementing Performance Management
Is there a bright side to this economic downturn? No. Not in the short term. No one likes to see…
“The biggest danger to cash-strapped U.S. auto companies is making incremental changes to their…”
“The biggest danger to cash-strapped U.S. auto companies is making incremental changes to their product lines, he argued. Instead, they…
It’s not AI but…
Albert Wenger had an interesting post today Human Vs. Machine 2 in which he discussed the fact that some of…
Eye-Fi: Your Digital Photographic Memory
Does this sound familiar: you dropped a few hundred bucks on a new digital camera and you’re using it once…
Nice article on EDM
Joe McKendrick wrote a nice article on how EDM give companies a competitive edge for the Teradata Magazine this month.…