Predictive Analytics Webinar
I'm participating in a free webinar through The Modeling Agency tomorrow at 4pm EDT (1pm PDT) for anyone interested in listening…
DM Radio and Text Mining
I'll be interviewed on the topic of text mining this coming Thursday, April 17th at 3pm EDT on DM Radio…
Data Mining Data Sets
Every once in a while I receive a request or see one posted on some bulletin board about data mining…
KDD 2008
It's hard to believe that KDD2008 was the first KDD I've attended in seven years. It was striking how much…
Could these be great days for data miners?
In a recent article on, Data Mining in the Meltdown: the Last, Best Hope? the author describes how data…
Can you learn data mining in undergraduate or graduate school?
I was recently asked by a former student from one of my data mining courses if a particular program was…
Two Books of Interest
Recently, I have been reading two books which may be of interest to data miners, Statistical Rules of Thumb by…
When Distributions Go Bad
Recently I was working with an organization, building estimation models (rather than classification). They were interested in using linear regression,…
Random things…
I was just looking at my favorite economics blog, The Skeptical Optimist, and saw a post on randomness based on…
eMetrics Conference
Early-bird pricing ends Friday for the May 4-7 eMetrics conference in San Jose. You get a 12% discount if you…