Archiving Strategy: Data Relevance
We often think of the relevance of data when we want to include or exclude it from analysis or process.…
A Different, Very Real, Kind of Social Network – We All Want to Be Part of Something Bigger
Today I’m very pleased to interview Comedian, Author and Founder of Improv Everywhere, Charlie Todd. If you don’t know what…
SAS commits $70 million to Cloud Computing
From the official SAS website SAS to build $70 million cloud computing facility New cloud computing facility will support…
New Book: Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications
A mammoth new must-have data mining book is coming, the Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications, by Robert…
Some Thoughts on Pushing BI Beyond Business Managers
TDWI had an interview with Michael Corcoran of Information Builders recently - Q&A: Pushing BI Beyond Business Managers: TDWI in…
Find yourself a safer place to swim or fish in the Bay Area
Another example of a web dashboard built using R comes from John Oram, a scientist at the San Francisco Estuary…
More on keeping decisions and processes separate
Copyright © 2009 James Taylor. Visit the original article at More on keeping decisions and processes separate.Syndicated from ebizQ Neeli…
Despite recession, open-source revenues are up
Expenditures are being tightened across the board, but companies still need software to keep running. This makes open-source software an…
First Look – Unica
A little while ago I got an update from Unica. While Unica may seem like a slightly tangential topic for…
What is Cloud Computing
Here is nice video on ‘What is Cloud Computing‘ . It was created by Joyent It basically shows you…