The Problem with the Relational Database (Part 2) – Predictability
Introduction The Problem with the Relational Database (Part 1 ) –The Deployment Model I met with a friend of mine…
Fill in the blanks: Which X is Most Likely to X?
Business analytics allows organizations to make decisions and take actions they could not do (or do well) without the analytics…
Decision Tree Bagging
A few months ago I started looking for a new trading system idea following the same machine learning philosophy as…
Is analytics a winner in a recession?
Even in a recession, analytics can (and should) do well. I am often asked how the economy has affected me,…
#10: Here’s a thought…
An occasional series in which a review of recent posts on SmartData Collective reveals the following nuggets:“Intelligent” decision-makingIf a predictive…
Beyond Predictive BI
David Linthicum’s recent blog post Approaching Predictive BI made me want to reiterate some of my thinking around BI (on…
Analyst Skills are Hot
BusinessWeek recently reported (listen to podcast) that there are over 3 million jobs available in the US. Of that, one…
Open Source Analytics Reaches Main Street (and Some Other Trends in Analytics)
This is the first of three posts about systems, applications, services and architectures for building and deploying analytics. Sometimes this…
Interview KXEN Bruno Delahaye
In my continuing coverage of KXEN, the plucky company that has managed to revolutionize analytics automation and social network analysis-…
Call-For-Speakers – Deadline: June 4
Save-the-date for the next PAW: Oct 19-22, 2009 in Washington DC Speaker proposals deadline: June 4, 2009 Join Predictive Analytics…