BI Technology as an enabler for Post-Crisis Economy
Having just returned from two excellent forums, the SAP Australia User Group (SAUG) Summit in Sydney and the SAP World…
Big Data and Real-time Structured Data Analytics -…
Big Data and Real-time Structured Data Analytics - O’Reilly RadarThe emergence of sensors as sources of Big Data highlights the…
James Taylor’s Explanation of Analytics
James Taylor, one of the IT analyst thought leaders of the broadening scope of business intelligence, has written a thoughtful…
Taking a Competitive Snapshot is a web analytics startup that has some interesting features that are worth mentioning as they: claim to have a…
The Moneyball-itzation of Marketing
Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane started the “Moneyball Revolution,” where analytics replaced intuition as the primary method of evaluating…
Call-For-Speakers: Predictive Analytics World, Feb 16-17 in San Francisco
The next upcoming Predictive Analytics World is October 20-21, 2009, in Washington DC – see the full program here –…
Analytics Ascendant, Part 2: The Limits of Predictive Modeling
In my last post on predictive modeling (4 August 2009) I used the recent announcement that the Netflix Prize appears…
Analytics Ascendant: Will Predictive Modeling Replace All Other Ways of “Knowing” Customers?
Steve Lohr reported in The New York Times on July 28 that two teams appear to have tied for the…
Is the Mother of All Black Swans Coming?
Whether you like Nassim Taleb’s writing style or not, his books and the ideas within are worth careful study. For…
Is Amazon really that cool as we keep saying?
For all that buzz around Amazon’s sophisticated analytics and its targeted book recommendations, it is worth asking in Kevin Hillstrom’s…